Protecting public health and the environment
We offer Australia's greatest range of NATA accredited field sampling and water quality tests associated with the chemistry, microbiology, biology and ecology of waters, wastewater, sediment and sludge.
Our water quality testing services span the entire water cycle, from catchment, to drinking water at the tap, to wastewater, reuse and alternative sources.
Our water quality testing services have:
- high sensitivity with lower limits of detection
- fast turnaround times
- rapid response services for health-related incidents
Routine and emergency laboratory testing and analysis services are delivered by our two state-of-the-art laboratories in Melbourne and Adelaide.
Reporting/exceedance notifications
As part of our reporting processes, we pre-set alert parameters for water testing in line with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2011 (ADWG), which means we can alert you to potential water quality issues where preliminary reporting indicates analytical parameters which do not meet the ADWG 2011.