SA Water and AWQC excel at innovation, so when you combine the efforts of our hydrogeologist with those of one of our passionate microbiologists you know the outcome will be exciting.
The Water Security team is using the developing field of Microbial Source Tracking to locate the source of bacteria in bore water supplies. We have been able to successfully track these potentially disease-causing organisms and demonstrate the value of keeping bore infrastructure in good condition. This important information helps inform our risk assessments for protection of water quality.
The results of this work have recently been published in the international journal Water and the AWQC is offering this bacteria source service as another option to our customers.
The National Ground Water Association (US), sent this compliment to the team:
"On behalf of the National Ground Water Association, congratulations on your recently published paper,
Review of Risk Status of Groundwater Supply Wells by Tracing the Source of Coliform Contamination.
Thanks to you and your colleagues for all of your time and your effort to make our industry that much better."
Please contact AWQC today to request a copy of the paper or to discuss Microbial Source Tracking in more detail.